Love does not pass over night. It disappears in the small things—the unspoken remarks, the recurrent frustrations, the sense of loneliness even while you are side by side. Couples counseling is therefore quite important. Not as a last-ditch attempt but rather as a means of clearing the stationary and returning to what counts.
Ever feel as though your spouse and you spoke different languages? "I need space," says one; the other hears, "I don't love you." When one asks, "Can you help with dinner?" the other hears, "You never do enough." It wears one out. Acting as a translator, a therapist cuts through the noise to enable you to really hear each other.
Resentment follows from this. That sly little termite chewing at relationships. It starts tiny. A lost book. a disparaging remark. It grows with time and transforms every minor argument into a full-fledged conflict. Counseling helps those unsung complaints pass before they become lasting impediments.
And let's discuss intimacy since, as real life dictates, it is important. Something is wrong when physical or emotional closeness begins to seem like a chore. Stress is something else occasionally exists. Sometimes the strain is not expressed. Sometimes life is just dragging you in different directions. Therapy provides the means to reconstruct the relationship, brick by brick and helps identify the reason.
Fighting is natural. Silence is deadly. Couples cease communicating and that's when problems truly start to take shape. Counseling allows you to bring everything to the surface without thinking about it erupting in front of you. This is a place to express, "This hurts me," and really get a healing reaction instead of a scar.
There is never a perfect partnership. Every relationship, nevertheless, has great potential for improvement. And occasionally, a little outside assistance will help you recall the original reason you selected each other.